Terms, dos, & donts


  • OCS

  • Fanart

  • Fursonas

  • Humanoid Robots

  • Body horror (To an extent)


  • NSFW

  • Mecha

  • Gore (blood is fine)

  • real people (there are some exceptions. sonas are okay)

  • Complex Armor

I reserve the right to decline anything for any reason such as morals, skill level, or comfort zone.
If something isn't on here feel free to ask me about it. I'm open to most things!


  • Please provide clear reference images and/or bullet points of what you want your commission to look like. This makes what you want much more clearer for me and much more easier for you to get what you're looking for.

  • None of my work can be used for commercial purposes. All my work is for personal use only unless an agreement is made prior the start of the commission.


  • I ask for upfront payment or payment after sketching is finished. If you order a simple sketch however then you'll be notified once it's completed and I will ask you to pay before sending you the file.

  • I take payment via Paypal in USD. However I'm fine with alternatives such as steam gift cards/games/nitro/etc. too (I'm open to most options, just ask when contacting!)

  • There will be no refunds after I show you the first sketch.

Timeline & changes

  • Most work will typically take around 2 weeks. It really depends on my life situation and physical health. Sometimes I may finish faster than expected or slower. I will keep you updated to let you know how progress is.

  • Commissioner recieves two check ins where any amount of edits are allowed. The first check in is in the initual sketch stage where anything can be changed with no charge. The second check in is during the base color stage. Any major changes will cost extra such as edits to the pose, clothing, etc. However edits such as colors, missed details, expression change are free of charge.

  • Once the commission is done the only edits allowed after are small mistakes I've made. Anything else will cost extra. Feel free to ask during any of these stages about any changes you'd like!

Full body

  • Sketch: $14

  • Flat Colors: $20

  • Flat Colors + Shading: $25

  • You will recieve two files: One with a transparent background and one with regular background (Default will be a simple color of your choice)

  • Extra people is +$7 each

  • Simple background with pattern/gradient/etc is +$1

  • Detailed/Complex Backgrounds is +$10

  • Small animals may be included for free. More complex animals or creatures may be charged extra.

Waist up

  • Sketch: $10

  • Flat Colors: $16

  • Flat Colors + Shading: $20

  • You will recieve two files: One with a transparent background and one with regular background (Default will be a simple color of your choice)

  • Extra people is +$5 each

  • Simple background with pattern/gradient/etc is +$1

  • Detailed/Complex Backgrounds is +$8

  • Small animals may be included for free. More complex animals or creatures may be charged extra.

Oc Design/Ref sheet

  • Designing an oc for you and drawing them: $30

  • Creating a ref sheet for an already existing oc: $40

  • Designing an oc for you and creating a ref sheet for them: $50


  • Set of 3: $10

  • Set of 6: $16

  • You will recieve four files of each emote. Three for twitch and one being the original png/ 500x500 file.

Lineart Style

  • When commissioning please specify which line style you would like.

  • If you decide to change your mind please let me know before I get into the lineart stage. Otherwise I will charge you extra ask me to switch to a different style after I've finished the lineart.